101 beggars, two handlers caught

ISLAMABAD: Capital Cops caught 101 professional alm-seekers and two handlers. According to details, Islamabad District Administration and Capital Cops have launched a campaign to curb the menace of beggary. Thus, following the directions of IGP Qazi Jamil-ur-Rehman, SSP Operations Dr.Syed Mustafa Tanveer chalked out a strategy following which the cops have been deputed at 27 signals of the city.
He has also directed all Zonal SPs to brief SDPOs and SHO, to brief their staff about strategy to curb this social evil. He said there should be no beggar at any of the signal and strict vigilance to be maintained against it.
The SSP Operations was told that 101 professional alm-seekers were held during the last 24 hours while their two handlers were also arrested. He said that action would be taken against handlers of beggars under 3 MPO and complete investigation would be made from beggars about the possibility of their involvement in any anti-social activity. SSP Operations directed to make this campaign successful and no beggar should be present at markets, streets, avenues or bazaars.