1093 power pilferers arrested

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: IESCO has recovered a sum of Rs 2735.80 million from 107,435 running and dead defaulters besides registering FIRs against 1479 power pilferers since September 7, 2023 during the ongoing anti power theft and recovery campaign.
IESCO Chief Dr Muhammad Amjad said on Monday that the company had kicked off a comprehensive campaign against the power thieves and defaulters in all six circles on the directives of the government and ministry of Power Division. Sharing the details, he said that the IESCO detection teams along FIA and police checked 1.62 million meters of different tariffs. On account of using direct power supply, slow and tempered meter etc, the teams imposed fine of Rs 576.751 million on the power pilferers while some 1479 FIRs were registered against them. Out of total 1093 electricity thieves have been arrested by the police, he said. “With the same passion and devotion IESCO recovery teams recovered an amount of Rs 2735.80 million from 107,435 running and dead defaulters besides disconnecting transformers and meters of defaulters.” Dr Amjad said.
The IESCO expressed his commitment regarding zero tolerance against power theft and defaulters and said that the national campaign would continue till complete eradication of menace of power theft without any hindrance.
He also requested valuable customers to report electricity theft on help line number 118 or on 0519252933-34.