12 including house burglar caught

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: Capital Cops, while tightening noose around anti-social elements, busted 12 outlaws including a member of house bugler gang held and recovered stolen motorbike, mobile phone, cash, narcotics, wine and weapons from their possession.
According to details, following the directives of IGP Islamabad Muhammad Aamir Zulfqar Khan, DIG Operations Waqar-ud-Din Syed issued directions to all zonal officers for renewed efforts against those involved in anti-social activities. SP Saddar Zone Muhammad Sarfraz virk constituted police team under the supervision of PS Ramana’s SHO SI Tariq Rauf, ASI Haider Ali along with others, succeeded to arrest a member of house burglers’ gang identified as Waqar and recovered stolen mobile phone and cash from him. A case has been registered at PS Ramana and further investigation is underway from him.
Meanwhile PS Khanna arrested a bike lifter namely Yasir and recovered stolen motorbike from him. PS Tarnol booked accused Sulman Khan and recovered 530 gram hashish from him. PS Nilor busted two bootleggers namely Shah Zaib and Amjad and recovered 30 liters alcohol and one wine bottle from their possession. PS Koral apprehended an accused Ali Haider and recovered one 30 bore pistol from him.
Similarly, PS Lohibher caught accused Muhammad Shahzad and recovered 120 gram hashish from him. Cases have been registered againt them and further investigation is underway from him. Moreover, during special inspection in the whole city, cops nabbed six proclaimed offender and court absconders.
DIG Operations Islamabad Waqar-ud-Din Syed has said that these social evils would be curbed and those backing drug peddlers and professional beggars would be dealt with iron hand. He further emphasized that this campaign would continue till elimination of anti-social elements.

153 alm-seekers rounded up

ISLAMABAD: Capital Cops have arrested 153 beggars with an objective to curb the menace of begging and also initiated legal process by registering FIRs against professional alm-seekers and their handlers.
According to details, Capital Cops launched a special campaign to curb this curse following the directions from IGP Islamabad Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar and DIG Operations Waqar-ud-Din Syed and nabbed 153 beggars in 24 hours. DIG Operations Waqar-ud-Din Syed has directed to shift child beggars at Shelters Homes and Protection Centers so that Centers for their proper upbringing and make them a responsible citizen. He has directed all SPs to keep vigilant eye against beggars outside Masajid, Imambargahs as well as at markets and ensure arrest of professional alm-seekers.
DIG Operations has said that this social evil would be curbed and those backing the professional beggars would be dealt with an iron hand. He said that needy children and women are shifted to the various centers after verification so that they could be made responsible citizens.
Specials squads have been constituted by him to curb begging practice and performance of these squads would be reviewed on daily basis. He said this campaign against the professional alm-seekers will remain continue and strict action to be taken against those who force children and women to adopt the ugly business.
Meanwhile, the DIG Operations has also directed all police officials to ensure effective security in the city and enhanced checking around worship places and entry as well as exit points. He asked to improve patrolling plans and maintain high vigilance against anti-social elements.