14 graft-tainted national political advisors down

BEIJING — A total of 14 national political advisors were disqualified due to corruption, said Yu Zhengsheng, China’s top political advisor.
They include two vice chairmen of the CPPCC National Committee, Ling Jihua and Su Rong, who have been suspected of corruption.
Ling, under investigation for suspected corruption, was removed from the post of National Committee vice chairman, and also stripped of his CPPCC membership in a CPPCC meeting last month.
Su is now being investigated by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate over allegations of accepting huge bribes for promoting his inferiors, among others.
“This has been a warning for us to improve the integrity of our members and continue fighting corruption,” Yu said.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has vowed to target high-ranking “tigers” as well as low-ranking “flies” in his anti-corruption drive since the new leadership took office in 2013.
At a press conference on Monday, Lu Xinhua, spokesman for this year’s CPPCC National Committee, said that the cases have affected the image of the CPPCC, though most of their violations did not occur during their tenure as leading national political advisors.
He said that China’s anti-corruption effort “has no limit or ceiling” and “no one has impunity.”
(The Daily Mail – People’s Daily news exchange item.)