1st CT exhibition held outside Xinjiang

URUMQI: An exhibition on the counter-terrorism (CT) situation in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was displayed in Beijing on Monday – the first time such an exhibit was held outside the region with a large number of pictures and videos on more than 50 terror attacks.
Senior officials and experts said the display proves that the Xinjiang region is more open to show the international community what it has suffered, and showcases its confidence in current policies, which have brought hard-won stability.
The Xinjiang regional government held a press conference in Beijing on Monday. Before the press event, domestic and foreign journalists were guided to the counter-terrorism exhibit, which is similar to the one displayed in the Urumqi International Convention Center in the regional capital. The exhibit consists of three parts – an overall introduction on Xinjiang, some of the terror attacks taking place in the region from 1990 to 2016, and the measures taken and the achievements made of the counter-terrorism work in the region.
Selected from thousands of terror attacks in the region, the 52 terror attacks displayed in the second part of the exhibit are listed chronologically with introductions, photos, and sometimes video footage in Chinese and English next to each display.
The introduction on terror attacks started with an attack in Baren township of the Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture, plotted and carried out by the “Turkistan Islamic Party” in 1990, and ended with the attack in Moyu county, Hotan Prefecture on December 28, 2016 when four terrorists raided the building of the county Party committee. Counter-terrorism exhibits have been staged in different prefectures and cities in the Xinjiang region, but it is the first time for such an exhibit to be staged outside Xinjiang, the Global Times learned from an exhibition organizer.
The exhibition in Beijing will better show the outside world on Xinjiang’s counter-terrorism work and achievements, Xu Guixiang, spokesperson of the Xinjiang regional government, told the Global Times on Monday.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item