200 more Chinese return Pakistan to resume work

BEIJING: More than 200 Chinese personnel of the Harbin Electric International (HEI) have been airlifted from Tianjin Binhai International Airport to Pakistan by a chartered flight to resume work on Jamshoro Power Station Construction Project and Binjiasheng Phase III Power Station and Power Transmission and Transformation Project. After the arrival of the charter flights of Harbin Electric International and its partners to Pakistan, they have been quarantined for 14 days in strict accordance with the epidemic prevention requirements.
After the quarantine period expires, they will immediately enter the site and start the project construction after confirmation their health status. According to a report, since the end of January, Harbing Electric International has dispatched personnel in a timely manner during the early stage of the novel coronavirus epidemic in China for overseas to support market development and project implementation.
Since the outbreak of the global pandemic, HEI as the general contractor of the project, has resolutely implemented various deployment requirements for epidemic prevention and formulated strict epidemic prevention and control measures and emergency plans, and spared no effort to protect the health and safety of overseas employees. It said, the construction of the “Belt and Road” projects progressed in an orderly manner, and excellent answers were handed in during resumption of work and production.
Especially at present, after the resumption of travelling between some of the projects in the country and China, HEI has given full attention to its general contracting role, timely organized and coordinated various cooperation units, and sent additional personnel to various overseas sites. – Agencies