38th MCMC delegation visits National Police Bureau

By Uzma Zafar

Islamabad: A delegation comprised of 23 officers of PSP, FIA and NAB, from the 9th Domain Specific Specialized Training of the 38th Mid Career Management Course (MCMC), visited National Police Bureau (NPB).
The Director General NPB, Dr. Ehsan Sadiq welcomed the delegation and briefed them about the Bureau as the premier police organization at the national level and its role in providing policy input to the federal government on matters related to police, internal security, law and order, and policy formulation. They were also informed about the background, mandate, role, functions and initiatives undertaken by the Bureau. The participants took keen interest in the workings of the Bureau and engaged in an enlightening Q&A session on pressing issues like standardization of processes across police organizations, utility of crime databases, avenues of international cooperation, prospects of research & development and the scope of gender responsive policing.
Later on, Dr. Sadiq who is also the National Focal Person on UNTOC Review and Implementation Process, delivered a comprehensive presentation on the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Legal and Implementation Framework as envisaged under Financial Action Task Force (FATF) regime and the recommendations made therein.
While discussing Pakistan’s recent engagement with the FATF regime, he informed that Pakistan has made significant strides in enhancing its anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) framework, as reflected in itslatest assessment.
The country has been rated compliant or largely compliant (C/LC) on an impressive 38 out of 40 recommendations, marking a substantial improvement from 2019 when it received C/LC on 10 recommendations. This remarkable progress has led to Pakistan’s removal from the FATF’s increased monitoring process.
However, he emphasized that despite this positive development, Pakistan should not become complacent and should reinforce its commitment to further refining its AML/CFT system.