438 beggars held during 48 hours

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Police have launched special crackdown against professional beggars and their handlers with the purpose to curb this menace and nabbed 438 beggars during the last 48 hours, a police spokesman said on Wednesday.
Following directions of DIG Operations Waqar Uddin Syed, special teams have been constituted to ensure arrest of beggars’ handlers while legal process is ensured to register FIRs against the professional alm-seekers. These teams arrested 438 professional beggars from various areas of the city during current year. ASP (Shalimar) Rana Abdul Wahab has been appointed as focal person who would monitor the operation against beggars and data being maintained by police stations.
DIG Operations has directed to shift child beggars at Shelters Homes and Protection Centers so that Centers for their proper upbringing and make them a responsible citizen. Mr. Waqar Uddin Syed has said that this social evil would be curbed and those backing the professional beggars would be dealt with an iron hand. He said that strict action would be taken against beggars those found around commercial centers, signals and other business areas.
Specials squads have been constituted by DIG Operations to curb begging practice and performance of these squads is being reviewed on daily basis. During last 48 hours, a total of 438 beggars were arrested which included 183 men, 77 women, 16 transgenders and 162 children. Of these beggars, 238 were detained in jails while all 162 children were shifted to Edhi home and 18 were release on bail
DIG (Operations) said this campaign against the professional alm-seekers will be made more effective and strict action to be taken against those who force children and women to adopt the ugly business.