592 officials named in Wheat smuggling report

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: After currency and oil, the report about smuggling of sugar, fertilizer and wheat has also been submitted to the Prime Minister’s Secretariat. According to sources, details about the smuggling of sugar, fertilizer and wheat from Pakistan are part of the report. The report also reveals details of wheat, fertilizer and sugar smugglers and the government officials involved in it.
According to sources, the report has identified 592 hoarders involved in wheat smuggling while 26 smugglers are involved in wheat smuggling.
The report further stated that last year Intelligence Bureau (IB) sent 417 reports to departments concerned, 90,147 MT of stored and smuggled wheat was seized on identification of the sensitive agency.
According to sources, the report identified 259 officials who helped smugglers, officials posted in provincial governments provided assistance to smugglers, hoarders.
According to report, 272 government officials in Punjab, 244 in Sindh and 56 in KP facilitated smugglers, while 15 officials in Balochistan and five in Islamabad were accomplices of smugglers.
It should be noted that earlier in the report of sensitive organization, it was revealed that 29 politicians were also involved in the Iranian oil business.