5G tentacles reaching ever more throughout Zhuhai

Zhuhai: Continuous 5G service is being provided today by China Mobile in Xiangzhou District, the National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (Tangjiawan), Hengqin New Area, and central core area of the city’s west wing.
More than 3,000 5G stations were in place across Zhuhai as of late August, meeting half of the annual target of 6,000 and realizing basic continuous 5G network coverage in the city and full coverage in Hengqin New Area.
China Mobile Zhuhai Branch has established 1,600 5G base stations, and installed ultrafast 5G signals at Chimelong International Ocean Resort, new Hengqin Checkpoint, and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. The download speed there is up to 1,275Mbps (20 times faster than 4G).
The telecom serves more than 420,000 of the 600,000 5G cellphone users in the city, and the number is rising.
In the meantime, Zhuhai branches of China Unicom and China Telecom have 1,500 5G base stations citywide based on Huawei technology. The 5G signal of China Unicom roughly covers government institutions, hospitals, schools, transport hubs, roads, business circles, and scenic spots.
As of Aug 20, China Tower Zhuhai Branch had adapted 2,221 towers for 5G use and built 58 new ones.
Boosting the 5G network and industrial development, the Municipal People’s Government released four policies and three measures June 10. In addition to 2020 targets, the city will build 11,000 base stations next year to achieve citywide 5G coverage, according to Zhang Gen, deputy director of the Zhuhai Industry & Information Technology Bureau.
Construction of every 5G base station will be given up to 10,000 yuan ($1,479), and the total for a single enterprise won’t exceed 20 million yuan ($3 million) per year. A maximum 2,000 yuan ($296) will be granted for every new 5G tower, and the annual amount is capped at 10 million yuan ($1.5 million).–Agencies