720 bags of Sugar seized in Faisalabad

From Menahil Rashid

FAISALABAD: Assistant Commissioner Tandlianwala Noman Ali, while taking grand action on storage of sugar, seized a truck loaded with bags of sugar while sealing two shops for hoardings the sugar.
Upon receiving information, the Assistant Commissioner checked the truck and found 720 bags of sugar weighing 50 kg which were being transported for storage were seized.
Similarly, when the Assistant Commissioner inspected the gowdons of the shops, 240 bags of sugar were stored there which were seized. He said that the sugar seized from the hoarders would be sold at government rates in the general market. He said that action would also be taken against the hoarders under the law.
Earlier, a sum of 996,303 kg of sugar has been sold at the rate of Rs 65 per kg in the Ramadan bazaars of district. According to the details, on April 12 in the Ramadan bazaars 11,700 kg, 19,900 kg on April 13, 30,050 kg on April 14, 36,190 kg on April 15, 38,540 kg on April 16, 39,800 kg on April 17, 40,250 kg on April 18. 37,550 kg on April 19, 36,000 kg on April 20, 39,150 kg on April 21, 41,550 kg on April 22, 43,850 kg on April 23, 42,600 kg on April 24, 45950 kg on April 25, 43,500 kg on April 26, 43,050 kg on April 27, 43,500 kg on April 28, 46,600 kg on April 29, 48,500 kg on April 30, 50,750 kg on May 1, 53,750 kg on May 2, 52,250 kg on May 3. 54,773 kg on May 4, and 55,000 kg of sugar was sold on May 5.