Snow leopard spotted in Xining

XINING: Infrared cameras have captured videos of a snow leopard in a national nature reserve in the city of Xining in northwest China’s Qinghai Province, the reserve’s management authorities said Saturday.
It is the first time a snow leopard was captured in the reserve in the Datong Hui and Tu Autonomous County.
The cameras recorded the snow leopard strolling around in the daytime on top of a mountain at an altitude of around 4,100 meters in January, according to the reserve.
A total of 14 infrared cameras were set up by the reserve’s management authorities in August last year to monitor wild animals, and two of them that recorded the videos of the snow leopard and other wildlife were retrieved in late March.
“The discovery of the snow leopard proves that the reserve is ecologically healthy and rich in species,” said Xu Shoucheng, an official with the reserve.
Xu added that the reserve will step up efforts to monitor and protect wild animals. – Agencies