Chinese, Mauritanian FMs hold phone talks

BEIJING: Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Mauritanian Foreign Minister Ismail OuldCheikh Ahmed discussed the fight against COVID-19 in a phone conversation Friday.
During the difficult time when China was fighting the coronavirus outbreak, President Mohamed OuldGhazouani immediately sent a message of sympathy to President Xi Jinping, which fully reflects the deep traditional friendship between China and Mauritania, Wang said.
At present, the coronavirus is spreading across the world, posing a great threat to the health and safety of the people of all countries, Wang said, noting that Mauritania is also facing severe challenges.
China will firmly support Mauritania’s fight against the epidemic until it wins the final victory, Wang said, pointing out that China has recently conducted project acceptance inspection and handed over the project of renovating the China-Mauritania Friendship Hospital as well as the project of building a specialized clinic for treating infectious diseases at the national hospital ahead of time.
The Chinese side has also shared experience in preventing and controlling COVID-19 with the Mauritanian side via video conferences of health experts, Wang added, saying that the Chinese side will continue to do its utmost to support and help the Mauritanian side, encourage Chinese enterprises and non-governmental organizations to donate materials, and facilitate Mauritania’s procurement of medical supplies.
Wang also expressed the belief that under the leadership of President Ghazouani, the Mauritanian people will surely score an early victory against the epidemic.
Noting that this year marks the 55th anniversary of China-Mauritania diplomatic relations, Wang said while the COVID-19 outbreak is temporary, the China-Mauritania friendship and cooperation will last long, expressing the belief that the friendly cooperation between the two countries will certainly be strengthened and deepened in the process of fighting the epidemic.
For his part, Ahmed congratulated China on its important achievements in the fight against the epidemic, and thanked China and appreciated its support and assistance to Mauritania and other countries in their fight against the epidemic.
Noting that Mauritania’s national health system is weak and its COVID-19 prevention and control capacity is insufficient, Ahmed expressed his hope that in the face of the epidemic situation in Mauritania, his country will continue to receive strong support from its Chinese friends. – Agencies