President lauds success against virus in GB

SKARDU: President Dr Arif Alvi Sunday said that no casualty from the coronavirus infection had been reported in Gilgit Baltistan whereas recovery of 78 patients out of total 83 infected with virus, reflected the success of close coordination among various departments. The president arrived here on a brief visit to chair a meeting on the coronavirus situation, a press release said.
Addressing the participants, the president said that he had also brought testing kits and other necessary equipment which would further help in the efforts against the novel coronavirus.
He also stressed upon the authorities to formulate a mechanism with close cooperation of Ulema for minimizing gatherings during the month of Ramzan.
Special assistant to PM Dr Zafar Mirza briefed the president about the coronavirus situation in Skardu and said that testing facility in the area would be enhanced from 5,000 to 25,000.
Dr Mirza further apprised that they would send a high level team from the federal capital that would review the epidemic diseases in Gilgit Baltistan.
He also assured that he would take up with the prime minister, the issue of special grant to control coronavirus in Gilgit Baltistan.
On the occasion, chief minister Hafiz Hafeez ur Rehman and commissioner also briefed the president about measures taken by the provincial government to control coronavirus infection.
Governor Gilgit Baltistan Raja Jalal Hussain Maqpoon, federal minister Usman Dar, Chairman NDMA Lt. Gen. Muhammad Afzal, Force Commander Major General Ahsan Mahmood, chief organizer PTI Saifullah Khan Niazi and other senior officials also attended the meeting.
President Dr Arif Alvi Sunday said that with the support from the people and religious scholars, the positive outcome of the lockdown was visible in the country in form of the coronavirus cases far lower than the estimates.
Addressing a meeting to discuss the COVID-19 situation in Gilgit during his day long visit, the president congratulated the GB government for their efforts contain the virus, a President House press release said.
He said consequent to the efforts by the GB government and the administration, the number of coronavirus patients had reduced from 216 to 67 as rest of all had recovered from the disease.
Earlier, the president arrived in Gilgit accompanied by GB Governor Raja Jalal Maqpoon, Special Assistant to PM Dr Zafar Mirza and Special Advisor Usman Dar and National Disaster Management Authority Chairman Lt. General Muhammad Afzal. Chief Minister of GB Hafiz Hafeez-ur-Rehman, chief secretary and force commander received the president at Gilgit Airport.–Agencies