Delivery boys on the go amid lockdown

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD:The work of delivery boys has registered an increase in federal capital due to rising demand for home deliveries of groceries, food and medicines during lockdown amidst the prevailing Coronavirus crisis in the country.
Soon after the lockdown imposed in the city, the majority of the bike hailing services in the federal capital started relying on offering food, grocery and medicines delivery services to facilitate the customers as well as saving themselves from the acute business loss.
“Home deliveries are not less than any blessing during the lockdown days as going outside for buying such things can be a risk to catch Coronavirus despite the possible safety measures taken by grocery stores and shops in the city†, Amina Farrukh said.
She said it is quite safe to get grocery and other things at our doorsteps in the prevailing situation instead of standing in long queues among the people not following distance required for prevention from this virus.
Shagufta Shahid living in the G-8 sector said that she used to order groceries and daily items online but is still scared of the delivery boy handing over the stuff to her without wearing gloves and masks for safety. She said before using grocery items and other stuff, she disinfects all the things with the help of spray as per instructions of the health experts.
Murad Khan, a delivery boy waiting outside some food outlets in Blue Area offering takeaways said, “Thanks to the era of digitalisation in which at least we are not going back to our homes empty-handed†. The number of orders are increasing with the passage of time as the majority of the people want to get all the groceries, vegetables, fruits and other daily needed items at their doorsteps, he told. “However, customers avoid us when receiving their stuff as we are not abiding safety rules†, he said
“We are not given fixed salaries but a specific percentage on each order so it is not possible for us to purchase masks, sanitizers and gloves on our own expenses. While our companies are also not providing us these things for prevention of Coronavirus†, he lamented.
It has been noticed that the services of these delivery boys are being hired these days for many purposes as they are familiar with the maximum routes and streets of the city. A number of popular brands are also offering online sales to provide dresses and other accessories at the door steps of the customers through mentioning contactless delivery offers. For this purpose too, the services of delivery boys have become unavoidable during the lockdown situation and likely to register further increase, if such situation prolongs.