Mandviwalla urges regional players for promoting peace

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: Deputy Chairman Senate Saleem Mandviwalla has said that current situation required more sagacity and wisdom on the part of all regional players to promote peace for development and growth in the world.
The Deputy Chairman observed that, of late, accusations were hurled against Iran which could prove detrimental to regional peace and stability. “I feel that Iran should not be put in a corner.,†Mandviwalla said, adding that Pakistan has very good relations with Iran.
He said that Iran was passing through a testing time due coronavirus and global community need to give a sympathetic consideration for lifting of sanctions to provide relief to the people in Iran. He said that humanity was in crisis in Iran due to coronavirus and needed support to reduce the pain and sufferings. “The entire Muslim Ummah could not involve in war with each other. It is just not possible. Any such type of war is very dangerous. It could lead to many other conflicts, many other wars. It could spread out,†Mandviwalla added.
He also specifically mentioned the Kashmir issue. He said that situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir further worsened and tensions escalated further in August last year when New Delhi decided to annul the special status of the India-administered Jammu and Kashmir state and put it under direct federal control.
Previously, the territory had enjoyed its own constitution and autonomous decision-making rights in all areas except for defense, foreign affairs and communications. In the lead-up to the move, India sent additional troops to Jammu and Kashmir and put it under a curfew.