Outcry as Trump cuts WHO funds over virus

WASHINGTON, April 15 (INP): United States President Donald Trump has said he would halt funding to the World Health Organisation (WHO) over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
Trump, at a White House news conference on Tuesday, said the WHO had “failed in its basic duty and it must be held accountable.” He said the group had promoted China’s “disinformation” about the virus that likely led to a wider outbreak of the virus than otherwise would have occurred.
The United States is the biggest overall donor to the Geneva-based WHO, contributing more than $400 million in 2019, roughly 15% of its budget. The hold on funding was expected. Trump has been increasingly critical of the organisation as the global health crisis has continued, and he has reacted angrily to criticism of his administration’s response. The decision drew immediate condemnation. American Medical Association President Dr Patrice Harris called it “a dangerous step in the wrong direction that will not make defeating COVID-19 easier” and urged Trump to reconsider.
Democratic Representative Nita Lowey, who heads the US House of Representatives Committee that sets government spending, said Trump was making a mistake. “The coronavirus cannot just be defeated here in the United States, it has to be defeated in every conceivable location throughout the world,” she said in a statement. The Republican president recently accused the WHO of being too lenient with China in the earliest days of the crisis, despite having himself praised China in January for its response and transparency.
Trump has made frequent use of scapegoats during his short political career. He often lashes out at the media, Democrats, or other when he feels attacked or under pressure. Trump said the WHO failed to investigate credible reports from sources in China’s Wuhan province that conflicted with Beijing’s accounts about the coronavirus’ spread and “parroted and publicly endorsed” the idea that human to human transmission was not happening.
“Had the WHO done its job to get medical experts into China to objectively assess the situation on the ground and to call out China’s lack of transparency, the outbreak could have been contained with very little death,” Trump said. Trump said the US review of the WHO was likely to take 60-90 days.
The US death toll from COVID-19, the highly contagious respiratory illness caused by the virus, topped 25,700 on Tuesday, out of more than 600,000 known US infections. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and the US economy has been crippled as citizens have stayed home and businesses closed, casting a shadow over Trump’s hopes of being re-elected in November. The World Health Organisation is a UN specialised agency an independent international body that works with the United Nations. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Tuesday it was “not the time” to reduce resources for the World Health Organisation.
“Now is the time for unity and for the international community to work together in solidarity to stop this virus and its shattering consequences,” he said.–Agencies