Dr Seemi urges unresolved deaths in Karachi

KARACHI: Executive Director Jinnah Postgraduate Medical College, Dr Seemi Jamali has said there is no need to sensationalise the matter of unresolved deaths in Karachi, media reported on Thursday. Taking a private TV channel, Dr Seemi Jamali said the number of deaths have increased in Karachi as more bodies were brought to the medical facilities. But there is no need for sensationalism as the majority of poor come to government hospitals, she said and added that such people by visiting several hospitals risk their lives. Replying to a query, Seemi said coronavirus tests of cannot be carried out on a body. Overall testing capacity of the deadly virus is low in the province. Dr Jamali said the standard operating procedures (SOPs) were set by the government for the burial of a coronavirus patient and urged people to follow those in order to save them from being infected.