Premier reported negative for COVID-19

Staff Report

Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan has tested negative for coronavirus on Wednesday, media reported.
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday underwent a test for Covid-19 after the Edhi Foundation’s chairperson Faisal Edhi, who called on him last week, was diagnosed with the virus. Medical experts from the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital took his sample for the deadly disease.
Earlier, on April 15, Mr Edhi met with Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad to present him with a Rs10 million cheque for the Corona Relief Fund.
Speaking at a media briefing this evening, the premier’s focal person on Covid-19 Dr Faisal Sultan confirmed PM Khan will undergo the coronavirus test.
The Sindh Health Department today revealed the coronavirus report of Faisal Edhi has turned out to be positive. His son Saad Edhi in a statement said that Faisal Edhi is in Islamabad and doing better. “He has not been admitted to any hospital and is self-isolating,” he added.
It must be noted that the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the country has jumped to 9,749 after 533 new infections were reported during the past 24 hours.
According to National Command and Operation Centre, 4,328 cases have so far been detected in Punjab, 3,053 in Sindh, 1345 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 495 in Balochistan, 283 in Gilgit-Baltistan, 194 in Islamabad Capital Territory and 51 in Azad Kashmir. 2,156 patients have recovered from the disease, while 17 deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours, the death toll currently stands at 209.