Indian media prove General Singh justified for his remarks

By Makhdoom Babar

Just a few days back, Indian media was up in arms over remarks made by India’s former Army Chief and current Union Minister for External Affairs General (retired) VK Singh. In his remarks, General Singh had termed Indian media as a bunch of “presstitutes” and nothing else. A few days before General Singh passed these remarks about Indian Media, Indian Prime Minister Mr. Modi had also termed Indian Media as being “Bazaru”, a Hindi language word that is equal to the word ‘Prostitutes’ in English language.

Indian media went very wild over these remarks by General Singh and the former Indian Army Chief had to face a massive wrath of Indian media. However, after a few days, General Singh got an indirect endorsement for his remarks by none other but his own Prime Minister when Mr. Modi praised Singh and once again snubbed Indian Media.

The Daily Mail, after first remarks by General Singh, wrote a special Editorial in support of Indian Media.

However, on 21st April, 2015, when Pakistani media was celebrating successful visit by the Chinese President to Pakistan, Indian Media decided to vent all its frustration, generated through General Singh’s remarks and Mr. Modi’s comment and opted to target Pakistan for the purpose.

To irony and dismay of everybody, even the most serious newspapers like Times of India opted to use a highly immoral and unethical language and termed a Pakistan-China Think-tank as a farcical body by its name, derived by Indian media itself.

In words of Times of India in its issue of April 21, “China and Pakistan on Monday launched a think-tank to focus on the development of their economic corridor.

According to a press statement issued by the Islamabad office of Pakistan-China Institute, the newly-formed think-tank has been named ‘Research and Development International’.

While the name of this think-tank is seemingly harmless, it is the acronym — ‘RANDI’ — that takes the cake.

In case you didn’t know, ‘randi’ is also a very crude Hindi word for ‘prostitute’.”

The Daily Mail very strongly believes that that by entering into such a disgraced level, Indian Media has proved no point but has simply endorsed that General VK Singh was one hundred percent justified in his remarks about Indian Media as only a Presstitues of media could come up with the above mentioned conclusions of the name or abbreviation of a Thinktank between two countries. The Times of India and other sections of Indian media that carried the above mentioned news item crystal clearly proved that only a Presstitute media can derive such meanings out of a name as only they could have the blessings of being so original in thoughts and views.

At the same time, The Daily Mail pays rich tributes to Indian Film Industry and this country’s Film Censor Board that have brought the Indian society with Indian Media on top, to a level where use of such words like RAND or RANDI have become no matter of concern but are used as references at national level. The Indian movie makers and Indian Film Censor Board have taken the Indian society to the new horizons of immorality where even the top Media organizations do not feel ashamed of using such words on the front pages of their newspapers and top news bulletins. One can see that with this “Vibrant” Media, where would the new generation of India be standing with regard to ethics, moral values and decency.