President urges citizens to observe preventive measures

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: President Dr. Arif Alvi on Thursday again advised the people to pray at homes and observe the precautionary measures about Covid-19 pandemic.
In a statement, the Presdient said that the first 17 points of the agreement with Ulema explicitly highlight the health safety measures that need to be followed during prayers and Taraweeh in the holy month of Ramazan. He said that these were universal precautions which were agreed upon throughout the world and formed the basis of functioning of any facility, factory, and public or private interaction among the people.
The President emphasized that the implementation of these measures was a shared responsibility of the Imams, Masajid Committees (Community people), district administration and provincial government. He further highlighted that point 19 of the agreement provided that administration of Masajid and Imam Bargahs had been conditionally allowed to hold prayers and Taraweeh only subject to strictly observing health guidelines.
Point 20, under the agreement, empowers the government to review the decision about prayers and Taraweeh if the situation of Covid-19 becomes worse or the guidelines are not being followed in letter and spirit.
If circumstances demand, the President said the agreement empowered the provincial governments to implement their lockdown conditions about prayers and Taraweeh in Masajid and Imam Bargahs. It is worth-stating that the Ulema have reposed full confidence in the government while arriving at the agreement.
Earlier, President Dr. Arif Alvi on Wednesday chaired a meeting held here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr to discuss the implementation of recently agreed 20-points with Ulema. The meeting emphasized that the provincial governments, in cooperation with Ulema and elected representatives, should ensure the implementation of 20-points in letter.