Traders have allowed doing online business: Saeed Ghani

KARACHI: Sindh education minister Saeed Ghani has said that the traders which could deal online businesses have been allowed to do so, media reported on Sunday. He said the government has also allowed home delivery. The customers would not visit shops, the shops will receive orders online and will deliver the ordered items at homes. The shopkeepers and riders have to comply safety measures while delivering various items, the minister said in a statement. The government has finalized the SoPs with the representatives of the traders bodies, the minjister said. Sindh government yesterday announced detailed standard operating procedures (SOPs) for online business modes of industrial establishments and shops in the province. The provincial home department in a notification said, since the government could not ban economic activities for an indefinite period, the need was being felt for facilitating trade and commerce in the province while keeping social distancing and other precautionary measures in place. All the businesses wanting to operate through an online mode will now submit an undertaking that they will adhere to the new SOPs so that the spread of the viral disease can be prevented. President All City Tajir Ittehad has said that the traders will submit their undertakings with the Commissioner Karachi office and the home department on Monday. Sharjeel Gopalani has said that the affidavit would have details about the shop owner, employee and the delivery boy. The shops will keep daily medical record of the employees and in case of symptoms of coronavirus in an employee the person who has given undertaking will be responsible for his treatment. “In case of violation the government could close the shop, office, or the business concern.