NFC award, 18th amend may get a relook

Staff Report
KARACHI:  In a major development, the federal government has decided to revisit the National Finance Commission (NFC) award and 18th amendment, media reported on Sunday.
According to sources, the federal government has contacted several political parties for the key changes in the NFC award and 18th amendment.
Some political parties have assured support to the Centre for the changes in the NFC award and the 18th amendment, added sources.
The NFC Award is a constitutional obligation. It is clearly indicated in the Article 160 of the “Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973” that it has been made mandatory for the government to compose NFC Award at an interval extending not more than five years for the amicable resource distribution among the federation and its respective units.
According to Article 160 of the Constitution, after every five years the President will constitute the NFC for a period of five years.
Last year, President Dr Arif Alvi had reconstituted the ninth National Finance Commission (NFC) to formulate a new resource distribution formula between the Centre and federating units.
The 18th amendment to Pakistan’s constitution (passed in 2010) provides the provinces with significant decision-making autonomy.
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) MNA Faizullah Kamoka said that the provinces had failed to deliver after devolution of powers under the 18th constitutional amendment, media reported. “The province were unable to equip themselves after the amendment,” he said while talking during a programme on a private news channel, Aietraz Hai, adding that it failed to yield the fruits for which it was passed and enforced in the country through changes in the constitution.
The PTI lawmaker said that the 18th amendment should be reviewed but denied that any discussion on the issue was held at the party level. “There has been a discussion ongoing in political circles over 18th amendment for a long period,” he said. Detailing the relief provided to masses from federal government during coronavirus pandemic, the federal lawmaker said that they had disbursed Rs 144 billion among needy families. “We have not taken any decision during the pandemic solely and have consulted with the provinces before,” he said. The lawmaker said that the commission probing wheat and sugar prices has sought three more weeks to complete its inquiry. “They should be given time to present a thorough report into the matter,” he said.
According to reports earlier in the day, in a major development, the federal government has decided to revisit the National Finance Commission (NFC) award and 18th amendment. According to sources, the federal government has contacted several political parties for the key changes in the NFC award and 18th amendment.
Some political parties have assured support to the Centre for the changes in the NFC award and the 18th amendment, added sources.