Punjab reports record 560 corona cases

LAHORE: Record 560 coronavirus cases have been reported in Punjab during last 24 hours, taking the provincial tally to 8,693, the Primary and Healthcare Department said on Wednesday. The health department said that the provincial death toll now stands at 156, while 25 are still in critical condition. 3,086 patients have recovered their health from the deadly virus. According to the Punjab health department, 106,927 tests have been conducted to date in the province. Meanwhile, Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid had said the provincial government is going all-out to ensure proper treatment of coronavirus patients. Chairing a meeting in Lahore, Dr Yasmin had said more measures are being taken for better treatment of patients in intensive care units. The provincial minister said the province has sufficient doctors and paramedical staff in public sector hospitals. She said the morale of doctors is high, who are serving Covid-19 patients selflessly. Yesterday, the Punjab government had decided to further ease lockdown. The decision was made during a high-level meeting presided over by Chief Minister Usman Buzdar. A formal announcement with regard to relaxation of the lockdown will be made on May 9.