DM Chief seeks global response data on 100-days of virus crisis

-Says US blame game is a dirty trick, jeopardizing anti-virus efforts
-Urges China, WHO to seek details for closure of American Biochemical lab of Fort Detrick
-Slams India, US for hatching conspiracies to topple governments of other countries

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: “Enough is enough; US must end blaming China and instead should come out to contribute in global efforts to counter the COVID-19 pandemic. World is not interested to know the origin of Virus, what world need and interested is to know how to beat the virus and US blame game is by no means contributing to it and is in fact jeopardizing the ongoing global efforts in this regard. I here demand that WHO or any independent global agency that is not under the US influence must prepare a data of responses of different governments across the world to the COVID-19 crisis in first 100 days. This data, if conducted in the most transparent manner and through independent survey, would clarify that where the blames against any country stand”, these views were expressed by the President and Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Mail while speaking in a Chinese Media Group’s live program Hamqadam here yesterday.
Makhdoom Babar urged upon China to seek an Independent data and comparative analysis by leading experts to determine which country responded in which manner and on what pace to counter the COVID-19 emergency. “China can itself produce such a data but that would be discredited by US and its allies. Therefore, I suggest that WHO or any other independent global body should do it. Such a data would not only bring an end to this blame game but would also clarify as to which country did the best and which fell behind in extending rapid and effective response to this challenge. I believe that such a data with comparative analysis would come highly productive as on one hand it would help the slow responding countries to plug in their fault and inabilities as well as negligence while on the other hand, such a move would further encourage and motivate the governments and health workers and well as peoples in the countries where official response was rapid, effective and result oriented, asserted Makhdoom Babar. He said it was the best time to form such a data of first 100 days of COVID-19 as it would help the global community to overpower the deadly virus through shared perceptions and joint efforts and would help the governments to learn more effectively from the experiences of others. “This is not an idea to ridicule any country or government but it is aimed at making the mankind more able to fight such threats through shared ideas and experiences”, he added.
To a question, he said that the Trump government was constantly diverting the attention of US citizens and global community from the US government’s inability to respond to the COVID-19 challenge timely and effectively and for this diversion, it was using the tool of fixing the origin of the virus spread. “ Ok, if White House is too desperate in fixing the spot of the origin, it must first share the details of reasons behind closure of its Biochemical laboratory of Fort Detrick that the US government made dysfunctional through official orders last year, merely citing it had not followed the set parameters of dumping the hazardous materials. US must give details of what sort of hazardous material was negligently dumped, what project was going on at that lab at that time, what action was taken against the officials who were found responsible for that accident? They must share this information with the WHO and let WHO inspect that very facility. We have already published a report on this in our newspaper and we have more than one reason to believe that the leakage of deadly virus was the reason behind the sudden closure of that high profile official lab of the US government. I insist China should also seek details in this regard from US. As China was the first major victim of this Virus while the US kept hiding it under the cover of influenza till China actually detected it to be a new virus,” Said Makhdoom Babar
To another question Makhdoom Babar said that both India and US were taking full advantage of global virus spread and were exploiting the situation to fulfill their respective nefarious designs.
“While the world is busy in combating Virus, both India and US are working on dirty plans. India is using the situation to worsen the situation in Occupied Kashmir while nobody from the world is having time to look there and the US is busy in toppling governments of countries like Venezuela as is evident from the statement made by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
I already published an investigative report back in 2016 that American and Indian Intelligence agencies arranged a meeting of anti-CPC elements at Dharamshala in India, gathering all of them from all over the world on tourist visas but actually they were put in a conference with Dalai Lama in Chair to finalize plans against China’s Communist Party and to topple it through violent protests and other subversive activities.
Our report came true when the same was started in Hong Kong last year. Similarly, Indian intelligence agency RAW’s Colombo Station Head was deported from Sri Lanka for trying to topple the government of Rajapaksa in 2015.
So, I have all the reasons to say that both India and America are too deep into interfering in the internal matters of other countries and to always bid to install the regimes of their puppets in those countries and same is going on right now, asserted Makhdoom Babar.