Hafeez rules out new taxes in budget

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance and Revenues Abdul Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh Tuesday said that the government would not impose any new taxes in the upcoming budget for the fiscal year 2020-21 to facilitate the industry and help check contraction of economy.
“No new taxes would be introduced in the upcoming budget and we will not take any tax measure that overburdens our industry,” Hafeez Shaikh said while talking to a private news channel.
He said that in current times when global economy was badly affected by COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, there was need to help expand economy, instead of enhancing tax rates.
He said that the government would rather provide incentives to the sectors that could create more job opportunities and the sectors that generate activities in many related industries to have multiple economic effect.
He cited the example of construction sector, for which the government had already announced a relief package to boost economic activities and provide employment opportunities.