Li urges for economic uplift

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BEIJING: Premier Li Keqiang attended a press conference after the conclusion of the third session of the 13th National People’s Congress on May 28, the conference stressed on economic development and international cooperation.
Premier Li said that the Chinese nation has the wisdom and capabilities to handle its own affairs.
The country reserves policy space on the fiscal, financial, social security and other fronts and is in a strong position to quickly introduce new measures should the situation calls for it without any hesitation. It is essential to keep China’s economic development on a steady course, he added.
Mr. Li vowed that the country will make efforts to add about 20,000 newly registered market entities on a daily basis this year.
Keeping China’s economic fundamentals stable in itself will be a contribution to the whole world and China will remain a positive force driving global economic recovery and growth.
Premier Li went on to say about international cooperation that the international community is now facing the dual challenges of containing the spread of the virus and restoring economy and social order.
It entails efforts, especially international cooperation, to strike a balance between the two conflicting goals and explore ways forward during the process.
He said China is open to international cooperation on the research and development of vaccines, medicines and testing reagents for COVID-19, and is willing to share the deliverables with the world.
The economies of China and the United States are closely intertwined. The bilateral economic and trade ties have come a long way and both sides have benefited tremendously.
China and the United States must use wisdom to expand common interests and properly manage differences and disagreements, Li added.
In response to a question regarding Taiwan the Premier responded that Taiwan issue is China’s internal affair and China has always opposed external interference.
Our major principles and policies on Taiwan are consistent and well known to the world. China upholds the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus while resolutely opposing “Taiwan independence.”
On this political basis, we are ready to have dialogue and consultation with political parties, groups and people in Taiwan on cross-Strait relations and the future of the Chinese nation, so as to promote the peaceful development cross the Strait and advance the peaceful reunification of China. We are ready to show maximum sincerity and do our utmost.
There has been no loss of life to COVID-19 among Taiwan compatriots working and living on the Chinese mainland.