India behind regional tensions, crisis, says AJK President

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MIRPUR (AJK): Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan said on Thursday that the Indian rulers were habitual of attempting to coerce the weak and kneeling before the powerful.
“The inattention of the international community toward the massacre of defenseless and peaceful Kashmiri people for the last 72 years, and threats to impose war on Pakistan, Azad Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan had emboldened the Indian fanatic rulers to challenge China and Nepal, but China gave a measured response,” he underlined.
In interviews with different private TV channels and media outlets, the AJK President held the Indian fanatic rulers responsible for igniting tension, AJK Presidential secretariat later told media Thursday evening.
He expressed hope that the tension will help the world to realize the importance of peaceful and diplomatic solution of the disputes including the Kashmir issue.
“Unarmed clashes between Chinese and Indian soldiers in Ladakh and Naku La at the Sikkim-Tibet border will redefine the strategic landscape and international diplomacy for Kashmir if the tensions grow further.