FM blames India for regional instability

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Friday said India with its aggressive designs was putting the peace and stability of the region at stake. In a meeting with Prime Minister’s Special Assistant for National Security Division Dr Moeed Yousaf here at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qureshi discussed India’s recent actions based on expansionist strategy in the region against other countries.
Qureshi called upon the international community to take urgent notice of India’s increasing belligerence. The meeting also discussed steps and progress on return of stranded Pakistanis in the wake of coronavirus pandemic.
Meanwhile, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider Khan Friday held a meeting with President Sardar Masood Khan in the State’s metropolis and discussed the prevailing situation in entire region.
Matters of national and regional interests including border tension between India and China at Sikkim-Tibet border in Ladakh and its impacts on Jammu Kashmir, the global scenario in the context of Kashmir conflict, the repression of Indian occupation forces in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K), consequences of the promulgation of new domicile laws by the Indian government and the situation erupted out of the outbreak of coronavirus in AJK.
The AJK president and prime minister expressed satisfaction over the steps taken by the government and the cooperation extended by the people to contain the coronavirus spread in the state. They also expressed the determination to focus on all protective and preventive measures to effectively control the pandemic.
Holding India responsible for the escalation of tension between the Indian and Chinese forces in Ladakh, they strongly condemned India’s aggressive approach, and observed that India on the one hand was threatening to impose war on Pakistan while on the other, it is challenging the security and sovereignty of Nepal. Now the unarmed scuffle between Chinese and the Indian forces at Sikkim-Tibet border in Ladakh region has proved that India has expansionist designs, and it has become a big threat to the regional peace and security.
They strongly condemned new domicile laws imposed by the Indian government, saying, it was a conspiracy to change the demography of IOJ&K and to deprive the people of the held territory of their lands, businesses and the rights of employment and education.
They paid glowing tributes to the people of IOJ&K for rejecting Indian actions, carrying out the unprecedented struggle against India’s illegal occupation, and rendering matchless sacrifices for the realization of their right to self-determination. They assured the people of IOJ&K that they were not alone in their struggle but the whole Pakistani nation and every child of AJK were with them.
Speaking on the occasion, the AJK president condemned the accelerating door to door searches by the Indian troops, killing of Kashmiri youth in fake armed encounters and subjecting them to torture in detention, and urged the international community to take practical steps to prevent India from committing the worst human rights violations.
AJK Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider condoled with the President Masood on the death of his uncle Sardar Mohammad Nazir Khan and offered Fateha. The state minister Dr Mustafa Bashir and prominent scholar Sahibzada Salim Chishti were also present on the occasion.
Meanwhile, former AJK Chief Justice Chaudhry Mohammad Ibrahim Zia and Chief Secretary Matahir Niaz Rana also called on the state president and expressed grief over the death of his uncle, and offered fateha.