‘Green Stimulus Package to assist impoverished women, unemployed youth’

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: The Prime Minister’s Green Stimulus package would provide financial assistance for the daily waged staff, employed under 10 Billion Tree Tsunami project (10BTT), and impoverished women and unemployed youth got benefit in the rural areas.
Adviser to the Prime Minister on Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam made these remarks here this Wednesday.
He said the 10 BTT came to a halt due to the lockdown imposed earlier to contain the risk of coronavirus pandemic in the country.
“The lockdown like the rest of the sectors including industrial, corporate and development has affected the pace of plantation project and also the livelihood of workforce engaged to execute the massive afforestation initiative,†said the Adviser.
Amin said the Green Stimulus project was Rs 2400 million project that would help provide maximum employment opportunities and innovative green jobs across the country. He added that the 10BTT project had multifaceted employment opportunities and was providing assistance to women as well. Around 20 percent quota for raising nurseries was set for women which was a huge number.
Amin mentioned that it was very difficult job to raise a nursery especially for women as it requires great care and effort for successful breeding of saplings. He said the 10BTT project was not only aimed at ecological conservation rather focused on women empowerment and uplift of marginalized community by generating respectable job opportunities.