Cyprus lauds China’s efforts amid pandemic

NICOSIA: China’s aid to countries most in need during the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic has been outstanding, President of Cyprus’ House of Representatives Demetris Syllouris has said.
In an interview on Wednesday, Syllouris said he appreciates the invaluable advice and essential medical supplies that China has donated to his country over the past few months.
Cyprus shares China’s vision of building a community with a shared future, and the two countries have proved once again that solidarity, support and cooperation among friendly nations is crucial when faced with such a crisis, he added.
“Safeguarding and restoring global public health (security) calls for coordinated and collective efforts on the international and regional levels.
Cyprus stands ready to engage in practical cooperation to this end,” he said.
Syllouris said that his “most productive and memorable” visit to China in November 2019 has offered an opportunity to explore new ways of reinforcing cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the fields of tourism, trade, education, technology, innovation and culture.
“As the pandemic is being largely contained, the Cypriot House of Representatives remains committed to further promoting the excellent relations between our two countries,” he said. –Agenices