President hopes miseries of Kashmiris to end

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi on Friday, highlighting the misery of the innocent people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJK) under brutal occupation, expressed his hope that IOJK would be free from Indian occupation.
In a tweet, the president shared an article published in New York Times on Thursday carrying a set of 24 graphic by Malik Sajad, a noted Kashmiri artist and novelist, that vividly depicted the sufferings of people in Indian occupied Kashmir under what he calls the “longest lockdown.”
“Excellent Op-art opinion by Malik Sajad in (New York Times). The misery of the innocent under brutal occupation. IOK shall be free (Insha Allah),” the president remarked.
Malik Sajad, who worked for the Greater Kashmir newspaper as a cartoonist since he was 15, has been recording the worsening plight of the lives of Kashmiri people in his graphics, as a response to the Indian military clampdowns in the disputed Kashmir region.