India on UNSC a travesty of justice, mockery of law: Masood

From Our Correspondent

MIRPUR (AJK): India’s election to the UN Security Council is a travesty of justice and a mockery of the international rule of law, said Sardar Masood Khan, President of Azad Jammu & Kashmir.
The President said in an interview to a foreign TV network Sunday that when a delegation of the fascist BJP-RSS regime would be sitting on the Council in January 2021, Indian occupation forces’ hands would be drenched in the blood of Kashmiris, AJK Presidential Media Wing told on Sunday.
India, he said, would have no qualifications to uphold the mandate of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security. With India’s entry into the Council, the international order will fray further at a time when the United National is being marginalised. The world is slowly moving towards anarchy because the worst violator of human rights and a trampler of peace and security is giving a seat on a prestigious multilateral forum like the Security Council.
The BJP-RSS regime, he said, is a colonial power that in front of the whole world is killing and brutalising Kashmiris, blinding them, mowing down youth in fake encounters, and raping and objectifying women. Such a regime, known for its despotism and chicanery, deserves to be sanctioned and stockaded, not rewarded with a seat in the Security Council.
“India is a predator in the region which has chosen to violate international law with impunity. It is occupying en masse a disputed foreign territory Kashmir and calls it an internal matter”, the President said adding that it is no more the old practice of legal and military salami slicing of the past 73 years in IOJK but gobbling up of the entire state in one go without the consent of its owners.
India has invited and fuelled disputes with all its neighbours and made the entire neighbourhood volatile by its intimidation and aggression. “For that should it not be in the Security Council’s dock rather than on a horseshoe seat?” he asked
President Masood Khan said that India has revived the Nazi Party’s Nuremberg laws of the last century and imposed them on the Kashmiri population in the form of new domicile rules. Non-native Hindus would be settled in Jammu and Kashmir and qualify for half a million jobs and Kashmiris will run from pillar to post to prove that their homeland is theirs and that they too can qualify for these jobs which used to be reserved for them. “This is the most brazen land grab through the barrel of the gun in the 21st century. Those who would oppose these war crimes and genocide will be exterminated and erased,” the President said.