Pakistan, China, BRI States vow joint fight against COVID-19

DM Monitoring

BEIJING: Member States and partners of Belt and Road Cooperation (BRI) Including China, Pakistan have pledged to work together, sharing their experience and medical infrastructural network to combat COVID-19.
In a joint statement issued here at the end of High-level Video Conference on the on Belt and Road International Cooperation: Combating COVID-19 with Solidarity, they said, the COVID-19 pandemic poses a serious threat to human health, safety and well-being as well as the socio-economic development of our countries and the world at large. Their first priority is to contain the spread of the virus, save lives and safeguard global public health. We offer our sincere condolences to the families and societies of the victims of the pandemic.
We also express our gratitude and support to all frontline health-care workers, medical professionals, scientists and researchers as well as other essential workers around the world who are working under difficult and challenging conditions to deal with the pandemic.
It was stated that the COVID-19 constitutes a global challenge that calls for global response based on unity, solidarity, mutual support and multilateral cooperation.
The statement sass, “We recognize the central role of the United Nations system in catalyzing and coordinating the comprehensive global response to control and contain the spread of COVID-19 as well as the efforts of Member States therein, and acknowledge in this regard the key leadership role of the World Health Organization.
We agree that there is no place for any form of discrimination, stigmatization, racism and xenophobia in our response to the pandemic. Recalling the spirit and principles reflected in the Joint Communique of the Leaders’ Roundtable of the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, we will continue our efforts in promoting international cooperation, including high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. Such equal cooperation will continue to be open, green and clean, based on extensive consultation, joint efforts, shared and mutual benefits, as well as pursuit of high-standard, people-centered and sustainable development. We support mutual efforts in combating the COVID-19, and will cooperate to address, control and overcome the pandemic through the sharing of timely and necessary information, experiences and best practices for diagnosis and treatment of the COVID-19.
We pledge strengthening and upgrading the capacity of public health system, promoting joint scientific research and international dialogues among health professionals, and providing assistance to countries in need. We encourage bilateral, regional and international mechanisms to jointly counter the COVID-19, where necessary. We underscore that an equitable access to health products is a global priority. We are committed to enhancing the availability, accessibility and affordability of health products of assured quality, particularly vaccines, medicines and medical supplies, which are fundamental to tackling the pandemic.
Along these lines, we welcome and appreciate mutual support and assistance offered among partner countries. We welcome the United Nations’ efforts to strengthen global humanitarian response depots, and welcome relevant countries to explore the possibility to set up regional reserve centers or units for rapid deployment of medical supplies or personnel. We believe that COVID-19 vaccines should be recognized as global public goods.
We call for investment in building sound and resilient health related infrastructures, including the development of telemedicine.We will provide necessary healthcare support for each other’s citizens affected by COVID-19 in our territories including the frontline health workers and those working for Belt and Road and other programmes within available national capabilities in line with respective national laws and regulations.”
Meanwhile, President Xi Jinping in his message to the conference, reiterated China’s firm resolve of playing a leading role in fighting COVID-19.