BNP’s political maneuver

The political culture in the country has all along remained tilted towards power play and vested interest. Baluchistan National Party- Mengal (BNM-M) Chief Sardar Akhtar Mengal announced the decision of his party’s Central Executive Committee to quit the ruling coalition, while taking part in general debate on budget in the National Assembly on Wednesday. He criticised the PTI top leadership for what he called the non-serious attitude towards the problems faced by the people of Baluchistan. The Baloch Sardar lamented that ruling party had made two accords with BNP-M but no single point of the agreements was implemented. The announcement of paring ways with government by the Baloch Nationalist Party was enthusiastically welcomed by the lawmakers of opposition parties with thumping of discs in the House. The shrewdest political leader and former President Asif Ali Zardar is reported to have made telephone contact with Sardar Akhtar Mengal. It indicates that leadership of two mainstream political parties would certainly want to capitalise on BNP-M goodbye to treasury benches and build pressure with realignment of political forces on government of razor thin majority. The oppressive Baluch Chieftains has always tried to mislead the Baluchies by creating an impression that it is the federal government which has deprived the people of Baluchistan from their rights enshrined in the constitution. They merely do lip service and talk about the rights of the people. On the contrary they had never made sincere efforts, while in power, to emancipate ordinary Baluchis from the yoke of Sardari System and ameliorate their lot by judiciously and honestly spending the financial resources that Baluchistan government get every year from the national divisible pool of federal taxes. Neither the “Aghaz-e-Haqooq Baluchistan” package nor the transfer of more financial resources under 7th NFC Award brought any visible change in the life of masses in the province. Embezzlement in the utilisation of development funds is an institutionalized norm. It merits mention that Rs. 600 million cash had been recovered from the house of a provincial finance secretary, Mushatq Raisani. PTI equation with another coalition partner PML-Q is also not reliable. The PML-Q leadership has always preferred to tacitly sail simultaneously in two boats. While in government during 2002-7, they remained in touch with Nawaz Sharif in exile in Saudi Arabia, betraying their benefactor General Musharraf. They may be still in contact with the former disqualified Prime Minister. From the very outset skepticism has been expressed about the ruling coalition of its being remaining intact keeping in view the well-entrenched culture of making and breaking alliances and coalitions purely for personal, political and monetary gains.