SHC halts action on sugar inquiry report

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: Sindh High Court on Tuesday stopped the government from further action on sugar inquiry commission report till next hearing, media reported.
A petition was filed against the sugar inquiry commission report by Khairpur Sugar Mills along with 20 others which was taken up and further action on the report have temporarily been halted. The court issued notices pertaining to the order in the name of federal government and other concerned authorities.
Sindh high court has sought an answer from the sugar mills on June 30 while the petitioner has also been asked to explain why the matter was referred to the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) by Special Assistant to the Prime Minister, Shahzad Akbar.
The petition claims that the inquiry commission was formulated against lawful procedure and was pre-biased and partisan.
The petition also claims that members of the sugar inquiry commission were already a part of the previous inquiry and had pre-programmed mill owners to say what they wanted them to say.