Ajmal Wazir urges opposition for constructive criticism

PESHAWAR: Adviser to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister on Information Ajmal Wazir on Monday urged all the opposition parties to set aside political differences and unite in the common fight against COVID-19.
He said the government would welcome constructive criticism of the opposition to improve the strategy in the fight against the outbreak of coronavirus in the country instead of facing undue negative criticism.
The adviser said that the individual and collective efforts should be continued at all levels to control the spread of coronavirus.
Wazir maintained that all precautionary, preventive, and medical arrangements had been put on high alert to avert the coronavirus, however, the citizens should also show a responsible attitude for adopting the precautionary measures.
He said coronavirus was an international issue and not confined to Pakistan alone, adding that the government has taken all-out efforts to knock it down at all levels before it becomes an difficult challenge.
The adviser appealed the media to put their share of mass-scale public awareness against pandemic effects of coronavirus as well, adding that effective timely steps had been taken on war footings. However, prevention is the best cure to knock down this pandemic.
“The testing capacity in the public sector hospitals is being enhanced,” Wazir added.