HKSAR gov’t strongly opposes US act on HK

HONG KONG: China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government expressed strong opposition to the passage of the so-called “Hong Kong Autonomy Act” by the U.S. Congress.
A spokesman for the HKSAR government said, “Once again, we urge the U.S. Congress to immediately stop interfering in HKSAR’s internal matters. The ‘HK Autonomy Act’ and the so-called ‘sanctions’ are totally unacceptable. “The passage of successive laws targeting the HKSAR, an inalienable part of the PRC, by the U.S. legislature under the pretext of human rights, democracy and autonomy is a blatant breach of obligations and respect between nations. On national security legislation which is invariably the jurisdiction of the central government of any country, the U.S. legislature has clearly displayed double standards which is deeply regretted.” The spokesman said that for those who were still ignorant about the HKSAR’s constitutional order, they should be reminded that the national Constitution and the Basic Law of the HKSAR form the constitutional basis of the HKSAR. The implementation of the “one country, two systems” principle in the HKSAR is entirely the internal affairs of the PRC. No other state or legislature has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, in those internal affairs. Some members of the U.S. Congress claimed that the passage of the “HK Autonomy Act” was in response to the enactment of the national security law in HK. This is totally misguided, said the spokesman, adding that national security is a matter that falls under the purview of the central authorities and the national security law enacted on June 30 2020 by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee is a national law which by virtue of relevant provisions in Article 18 of the HKSAR Basic Law shall be applied in the HKSAR. – Agencies