‘New Delhi stirring up nationalist sentiments at home against China’

DM Monitoring

BEIJING: Since the clash on the Sino-Indian border in Galwan Valley in the Aksai Chin area on June 15, instead of making amends for provoking the clash by intruding into the Chinese territory, New Delhi has been stirring up nationalist sentiments at home and has banned 59 Chinese apps including TikTok and WeChat and is erecting trade barriers, further straining bilateral tensions.
India alone is to blame for the clash, for two days later Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi publicly acknowledged that “neither has anyone intruded into our territory nor has any post been captured”, confirming the injuries and deaths of Indian soldiers were the result of India’s incursion into the Chinese territory, according to an article published by China Daily on Saturday. The Chinese Foreign Ministry protested against India’s adventurism, saying it is a flagrant breach of the agreement reached between Beijing and New Delhi on border disputes as well as the norms of international relations.
Yet India seems hell-bent on worsening the situation instead of understanding that the United States and other Western countries, not Beijing or New Delhi, stand to gain from escalating hostilities between the two neighbors.
The ruling party-fueled nationalism in India threatens to neutralize the achievements the two sides have made after years of efforts. So India should think twice before proceeding with its radical policies against China.
First, India should abandon its colonial mentality and stop trying to make China’s Tibet autonomous region a buffer zone to safeguard its national security. The fact that it considers itself the heir to the colonial power in the Indian subcontinent and sees the building of any infrastructure on the Chinese side as hostility is the root cause of India’s aggressive behavior. Given its increasing national power, China has no reason to leave its frontiers underdeveloped. China has never crossed the Line of Actual Control to prevent India from rapidly building infrastructure on its side.