Crime rate in Capital declines due to effective policing

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: The first six months of the ongoing year saw a considerable decrease in overall crime in the Federal Capital due to effective policing measures, hard work of the personnel, their timely action against criminals and unique initiatives for improvement in performance.
Due to effective policy and timely action against criminals, the first six months of the year saw a considerable decrease in overall crime in the Federal Capital.
During the current year, the overall heinous crime has decreased by 24%. The first six months’ crime reflects a major dip in the incidents of dacoity and robbery/street crime which reduced by 52% and 30% respectively. Incidents of vehicle theft have declined by 6% whereas burglary has been reduced by 41%. During this period, Islamabad Police also had a crackdown against drugs and illegal weapons evident by an increase of 47% and 19% in the recovery of illegal weapons and narcotics respectively.
In pursuance of directions of Mr. Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar Khan, the Inspector General of Police, Islamabad, Operations Division has shown considerable improvement in overall performance. Operations Division of ICT Police made a strong crackdown against habitual offenders, criminal gangs and drug peddlers resulting in decrease of crime. During this period, 10 gangs of hardened criminals were busted and 867 accused involved in various criminal activities including crime against property were arrested and recovery of the valuables made. 08 blind murders were traced, 75 car lifters arrested and vehicles/motorcycles to the tune of Rs. 110 million recovered.
In drive against drug peddlers, 240kg of Chars, 47kg of Heroine, 4kg of Opium, 41gm of Cocaine, 223g of Ice drug and 10,000 bottles of liquor were recovered. Action against illicit arms resulted in recovery of 05 hand grenades, 31 Kalashnikovs, 20 rifles, 543 pistols, 38 daggers and 11000 bullets. Due to effective crime prevention strategy adopted by ICT Police in the last two years, under command of Inspector General of Police, Islamabad, the capital city has improved its status by 70 points in World Crime Index and has been declared 72nd safest city in the world. The Inspector General of Police appreciated the performance of all divisions of ICT Police and expected that they will continue to serve with same zeal and courage and will continue to improve their performance.