Alleged MQM-L target killer makes shocking claims

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: Local police caught a target killer on Monday who allegedly belongs to Muttahida Qaumi Movement London (MQM-L), media reported.
According to details, the individual has confessed that he has been a target killed for almost 18 years and has killed more than 35 people in his lifetime. The target killer also claimed that Karachi’s peace and prosperity was destroyed at the hands of politicians who had tried to gain control of the country’s financial hub. The acccused’s name has been revealed to be Alam Khan said that joblessness made him go down the road of target killing, he said each murder fetched him an amount of 75 to 100 thousand rupees.
He further said that him and his accomplices performed thorough reiki of their victim and then targeted the victim’s head and chest areas to ensure minimum chances of survival. “We got instructions via telephone, the orders would be to kill certain people whom we did not know and got to know about in the newspaper after the fact,” said Alam. “We killed politcians, businessmen among others. A few times we killed the wrong people after getting hazy instructions, the city had six target killers when I started now there might be 600.”