144 Indian Forces veterans appeal for accountability, reforms

-India-China Standoff

DM Monitoring

New Delhi: As many as 144 veterans of the Indian Armed Forces have written a joint statement on the situation at the border with China in Ladakh, drawing attention to failure in the “political, civil and military establishments” that led to the continued swirl of rumours on the issue and the loss of 20 soldiers’ lives in the violence at Galwan Valley.
The signatories include members who have served in the defence of the country in various ranks and appointments in peacetime and in operational or war zones over the past several decades. “The incident at Galwan could only have happened because of failure at one or more levels in the political, civil and military establishments, especially in continuous intelligence acquisition and dissemination,” they write.
The statement is addressed to the president, the prime minister, defence minister, chief of the defence staff and the chief of the army, air and naval staff.
The statement calls for greater clarity in the process of dissemination of information in border standoff situations.