40% Chinese anxious about aging

BEIJING: A recent survey by China Youth Daily found that 40.5 percent of the respondents often feel anxious about growing older, most of whom were aged between 30 and 34.
The survey covered 2,005 respondents, more than 50 percent of whom said they were concerned about making money and getting a promotion with increasing age, while about 38 percent were worried about becoming a parent.
The survey results also showed that 35.8 percent worry about buying a house, followed by getting married (35.4 percent), and leading a healthy life (32.4 percent).
Although some of the surveyed believe that there is nothing to feel anxious as long as people are not wasting their lives, 66.5 percent of the respondents think people should achieve certain goals by the time they reach a certain age.
To avoid excessive anxiety, 66.2 percent of the interviewees suggested accepting the status quo and constantly adjusting themselves, while 62.5 percent supported self-improvement efforts like reading and studying.
Among those surveyed, 30.2 percent were born in the 1990s, and 52 percent were born in the 1980s. – Agencies