‘Digitalized tax collection system vital for masses’ welfare’

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser has said that FBR, being the main tax collecting agency, has the prime responsibility to collect taxes for revenue generation of the country. He said that revenue generation is directly proportional to the performance of the FBR. He also remarked that taxpayers’ friendly image of the FBR is the requisite to keep the trust of the taxpayers intact on the FBR. He said that public image of the FBR may be improved by public friendly initiatives of the FBR especially the use of Information communication technology can pave way for the better image of the FBR. He expressed these views while meeting the Javed Ghani Chairman FBR in Islamabad on Tuesday.
Asad Qaiser said that taxation is the basic tool for revenue collection of all developing and developed states. He said that revenue generated by taxation is used for the welfare of the masses across the country. He remarked that FBR is the main Tax collecting agency in the country and it is imperative to enhance its performance. Speaker NA remarked that digitalization of the tax collection system will pave for the better and smooth tax collection. He also stressed on the need to make taxation public friendly. He said that facilitating public taxation matters will amply increase taxation. He appreciated the performance of the FBR as it has made efforts to achieve its revenue targets.
He also remarked that exporters are the basic component of taxation in the country therefore special facilitation is provided to exporters by all tax collecting agencies. He especially mentioned and appreciated the FBR initiative to facilitate the exporter at Afghan Transit Trade Route. He further stressed on the need to facilitate exporters at Afghan Transit Trade route.
Speaking on the occasion, Javed Ghani told that FBR has been digitalized as most of the operations of FBR have been digitalized and tax payers can have better access to all facilities of FBR through internet. He expressed the hope that FBR would make all out efforts to facilitate the general public in this regard. Chairman FBR especially appreciated the Honourable Speaker concern in this regard.