India espouses Israeli tactics in IoK, says Mushahid

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Chairman, Senate Foreign Affairs’ Committee, Mushahid Hussain Syed on Sunday said the Indian government was trying to bring the Palestinian model in the Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) under its RSS’s (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) fascist policy to turn the Muslim majority into a minority, but it would never succeed in its nefarious designs.
Around 900,000 Indian troops had made the entire valley hostage by imposing curfew, lock-down and communication blockade after August 5, 2019, while the human rights abuses, torture, rape and molestation of women was going on with impunity, he said in an interview with media. The Kashmiri people had rejected Narendra Modi’s barbarism and were constantly showing resistance against their tyrannies. He said there was a double lockdown in IoK, one was the administrative that was started on August 5, 2019, while the other lockdown was enforced due to coronavirus.
Expressing concerns over the prolonged detention of Kashmiri leader Asiya Andrabi, he demanded of her early release and said the imprisonment of an aged and ailing Muslim woman on the basis of political ideology was a reflection of the imperialist mentality of the Indian government.
He said the Senate would hold a special session on August 5, to condemn India’s illegal move to end the special status of occupied Kashmir, adding that he was given the task to prepare the recommendations for the special session. The international community have so far played a significant role on the Kashmir issue and the UN human rights organizations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, especially China, Turkey, Malaysia and Azerbaijan and other countries have spoken to Kashmir issue.
He said the United Nations Secretary General António Guterres had said that the UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir issue were still valid and the human rights were being violated in the IoK. The Muslim world had also shown some courage on Kashmir issue and the people and intellectuals from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and Kuwait have also stood in support of Kashmiris, he added.
It was high time for Pakistan to file the case of Kashmiri people in a systematic manner, with wisdom and courage, he remarked.
Meanwhile, Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Planning Kanwal Shauzab Sunday said Prime Minister Imran Khan shook the world’s conscience and made the international community realize the sensitivity of the Kashmir issue.