Mirza warns of virus 2nd wave

-Says SOPs’ violation may unflatten virus curve
-Confirms drastic decline in COVID-19 cases countrywide
-Urges masses to avoid gatherings on Eid

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: Dr Zafar Mirza, special assistant to the prime minister on health, on Sunday warned that the prospect of a second wave of coronavirus infection across the country will no longer be a distant theory if the government-devised standard operating procedures (SOPs) were violated on Eidul Azha and Muharram.
Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, Mirza said that the virus had peaked in the country in mid-June and cases had been declining since then.
He said that the experience of other countries had shown that there could be a spike in cases again. “We saw this in Spain, Iran, the United States and other European countries that there can be a resurgence in cases.”
Talking about the danger of the virus spreading during Eid celebrations, Mirza said that the government had “learned from last Eid’s experience” and had started preparations earlier. “During the last few weeks, we discussed SOPs with provinces and adopted a strategy at the national level.”
The SAPM urged people to follow SOPs while visiting cattle markets. “Wear a mask, maintain social distancing and wash your hands frequently,” he instructed, adding that elderly or sick people should not visit the markets. The appeal comes weeks after an address of Prime Minister Imran Khan wherein he had urged the nation to mark the upcoming Eid with simplicity and take precautionary measures so that the number of cases do not rise again.
He further said that the government had disallowed cattle markets being set up inside the cities. “You will have seen that small cattle markets start popping up in cities around Eid. That will not be allowed this time but cattle markets are allowed to be set up as far outside cities as possible.”
Mirza also urged people to opt for booking sacrificial animals online or for ijtimai qurbani (collective sacrifice). He said that the SOPs based on a 20-point agenda agreed between the government and ulema for Eidul Fitr would be implemented for prayers on this Eid as well.
“Please follow all SOPs. I appeal to you, for God’s sake, take responsibility and celebrate [Eid] in a good way. If we [follow SOPs], not only will be able to maintain the trend of lesser infections but will also be able to get rid of this pandemic,” Mirza said.
Meanwhile, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Health Dr Zafar Mirza has said that the sale of sacrificial animals and establishment of cattle markets within cities are strictly banned across the country.
Addressing a news conference in Islamabad on Sunday, he said that special preparations have been made in consultations with all stakeholders to implement Standard Operating Procedure during Eid Days. The SAPM said that the pandemic will further spread if SOPs not followed by the citizens.
He said SOPs should also be followed during offering of Eid Prayers. He advised citizens to prefer purchasing of Sacrificing animal through online instead of going to cattle markets.
Zafar Mirza also urged the people to prefer collective sacrifice arranged instead of individual fulfillment of the ritual to maintain social distancing and contain the spread of coronavirus.
Yesterday, Chairman National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) and Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umar had also urged masses to avoid public gatherings on Eidul Adha.
He was chairing a meeting of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) in Islamabad, to review the situation of the country in the wake of coronavirus outbreak.
The forum was briefed on the implementation and violations regarding preventive measures in cattle markets on Eidul Adha.