IoK residents reeling under brutal human rights violations

ISLAMABAD: The Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) has been reeling under brutal and inhuman lockdown with restrictions on movement of people and means of communications since August 5 last year.
Human rights violations have shown a massive increase, people are feeling a heightened sense of fear and suspicion regarding their identity, cultural issues, religion, customs and language.
Dozens of innocent Kashmiris, including youth, women and kids have been killed by the Indian occupied forces since August 5, 2019 military siege of the valley till June 2020, according to KMS. Some 13,582 were arrested,1331 tortured and 13 custodial killings were reported during the same period.
About 935 houses, shops and other properties were also arson, and 77 women were gang-raped and molested by the Indian troops.–Agencies