CPC tradition of learning emphasized

BEIJING: The group study sessions of China’s top leadership are a clear indication of the Communist Party of China’s progress in improving its governance capacity since the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee commenced the institutionalized practice in 2002.
As a fine tradition of the CPC to build itself into a more powerful political party to govern the world’s most populous country and secure the goal of national rejuvenation, the regular convening of the group study sessions also demonstrates the Party’s scientific and democratic policymaking process through discussions and sharing information. Since Xi Jinping became general secretary of the CPC Central Committee in 2012, he has, on many occasions, underscored the importance of learning for all Party members in order to equip them with stronger ideals and beliefs and up-to-date knowledge. After almost eight years, Xi has presided over 65 group study sessions for the 25-member central authority. The latest one took place on Thursday, two days before the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army. During the session on Thursday, Chen Rongdi, a researcher at the People’s Liberation Army Academy of Military Sciences, gave a lecture on strengthening the modernization of national defense and the armed forces. Presiding over the session, Xi urged efforts to coordinate the nation’s development and security as well as its prosperity and military capability to ensure national defense and the armed forces are in synergy with the nation’s modernization process. Zhu Lijia, a professor of public administration at the National Academy of Governance, said it is a special characteristic of the CPC to place great importance on learning, which has played a vital role in ensuring the Party’s long-term ruling of the country and uniting and leading the Chinese people to achieve economic growth and social stability.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item