Shehryar Afridi condemns human rights violation in IOJK

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir Shehryar Afridi Wednesday strongly condemned the continuous violation of human rights laws in IIIegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and urged human rights champions and international community to end right abuse by the Indian forces in the occupied valley.
While condemning the inhumane lockdown in Kashmir talking to a private news channel, he said people of Kashmir were promised the right to self-determination by India under the United Nations Security Council resolutions, but they were deprived of their right to self-determination.
He said it is a good development that Pakistan has launched a new political map that shows the whole world where we stand, adding, Pakistan so far is successful in promoting its narrative on Kashmir dispute that has also been acknowledged by the world community.
United Nations and other international organizations have not taken serious notice of Indian illegal move in IIOJK by abolishing the article 370, although it was clear violation of international laws, he mentioned. He said i pray to Allah that in our lifetime, we see an independent Kashmir in which their rights are not repressed, their women are not raped and their young people are not martyred.
“We should salute the sufferings and sacrifices of innocent Kashmiri women, half widows and young Kashmiri people, he said, adding, we should draw global attention towards gross human rights violations by the Indian security forces in Kashmir†. The global leaders and human rights organizations have been neglecting Kashmir, which is a criminal violence, he added. He salutes to Kashmiri people for their courageous struggle against Indian tyrant armed forces.
He assured the Kashmiri people that whole Pakistani nation was with them at every step till their freedom. He said that Pakistan under Prime minister Imran Khan’s leadership is effectively raising the Kashmir issue at UN and other forums and will continue do that again in future. He said that till the liberation of Kashmir, the present government would continue to raise its voice and fight for the democratic and human rights of the Kashmiri people.