FM urges World to do more over Kashmir issue

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has called on the international community to “do more” than paying lip service to resolve the longstanding dispute of Indian occupied Kashmir according to the relevant United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.
Through a statement issued here on Wednesday, the Foreign Office called global attention “to arbitrary arrests, detentions, torture, corporal punishment, extra-judicial killings, digital lockdown, and a military siege in occupied Kashmir for a whole year now”.
“For a large part of the global population, to continue to have faith in international justice, it is imperative that India is held accountable for its unconscionable actions since 5 August 2019,” the statement quoted Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi as saying.
The country is celebrating Aug 5 (today) as Youm-i-Istehsal (Day of Exploitation) to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir.
According to the statement, the foreign minister said that the Indian actions were aimed at changing the demography of held Kashmir to fulfill the “RSS-BJP [Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Bharatiya Janata Party] Hindutva agenda” in violation of the UNSC Resolutions and international law, particularly the 4th Geneva Convention. “The BJP regime believes that: the world would not notice this mutilation of justice; over 900,000 Indian occupation force will silence the Kashmiris through brutalization; and that Pakistan will accept the new status quo,” the statement highlighted, adding that “on all counts, India has been proven wrong”.
The minister also stressed that the world community must “press India to revoke all draconian laws, allow neutral observers, international human rights and humanitarian organisations and the international media to visit the region” to ascertain the condition of its Muslim populace.